Abbey Protect has delivered security consultancy and installed security products to a range of clients throughout the world. Including Governments, commercial clients and NGOs the very nature of the security advice and security products we have worked in is highly sensitive.Here you can find out a little more about security projects Abbey Protectโ€™s experienced team of Counter Terrorism Security Consultants has worked on.


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Beirut explosion 4th August 2020.

On August 4th 2020, a major explosion in the port of Beirut estimated as the equivalent of between 1,000 and 1,500 tonnes of TNT was witnessed. The explosion in Beirut was one of the largest man-made non-nuclear explosions ever witnessed and created widespread devastation through a supersonic blast wave radiating throughout the city.

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Association of University Chief Security Officers

The Head of Security at a prominent London University was faced with key security issues when the organisation took over the security of an old building. The large ground floor building led directly onto a public pavement and housed academic and research staff with valuable computer equipment. The Security Team needed to find a way of securing the building, especially the large windows, without replacing them entirely.

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Unite Student Accommodation

UNITE is the UK’s largest provider of student hospitality and accommodation. UNITE focuses on the provision and management of high quality, well-located student accommodation and hospitality services at affordableย prices.

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